Computerised Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a Health Care domain application which offers effective online programs for improving mental wellbeing of people suffering from anxiety, phobias, panic, depressed mood, insomnia etc. CCBT has Helix (Admin) and Patient (Jupiter) portal.
CCBT has a different role like Super Admin, Operational Admin, Clinical Admin and Clinician having different access rights. CCBT also provides third-party integration of their application. The client needed the Manual and Automation testing for both Patient and Admin portal including the third-party integration.
Primary Features
Admin Portal: Admin portal allows administrators to manage and add new users namely patients and clinicians. This portal consists of two modules:
- User Admin: User admin module allows administrators to create a new patient profile, track existing patient details including the programs, and status, send interactive messages to the existing patients regarding their sessions and progress and assign tasks to the patient as a disorder remedy thereby helping the patient to overcome the same.
- Clinical Admin: This module allows the clinicians to access the reference documents for specific disorders pre-stored on the application server. Clinicians can also transfer a specific patient to be treated by any other clinician using the Transfer This feature-rich module also allows generation of various reports about all the patients may they be active, inactive of discharged. General metrics and clinical outcome of each suggested therapy can also be tracked from here effortlessly.
Patient Portal:
- My Program: This section allows users (patients) to select the program to overcome a specific disorder that offers various sessions.
- Edit Profile: This section enables the users to edit their personal details and other profile information along with the image and password change option.
- Who Is My Clinician: User can readily find out which clinician has been assigned for helping to get rid of the disorder and enhance the user’s health and distress level from this section.
- Messaging: This portal provided an inbuilt messaging interface that facilitates users to interact/ chat with their clinicians effectively.
- Journal: It is quite easy and simple to store various journal entries just like diary writing. All these journal entries care captured and stored on the application server and can be accessed anytime from anywhere later.
- My Tasks: Users can keep track of various tasks assigned by the clinicians and the progress of these tasks from within this section.
- Calendar: A pre-defined calendar in the portal allows users to schedule a task on a specific date and helps users to track various tasks on the date-wise basis.
- Emergency Help: Various important contact numbers and details are mentioned in this section from where users can seek help to deal with a critical health condition while in distress.
Features Automated
Admin Portal:
- Create User
- Lookup
- Journal
- My Task
- Reports
- Clinical Outcome
- Transfer
- Helpdesk
- Messaging
Patient Portal:
- Client Portal Page
- Helpdesk
- Forgot Password
- Login
- Program Launch
- Edit Profile
- Change Password
- Journal
- My Task
- Messaging
Technologies Used
API Testing Tool | Soap Ui, Groovy , Postman, ARC |
Automation Testing Tool | Selenium Webdriver 3.0, Java |
Testing Framework | Testng, Action keyword driven framework |
- No. of Genuine Bugs: 3039
- No. of Manual testing Test Cases: 158
- No. of Automation testing testcases: 80
- No. of API testing Test Cases: 30
Health Care