
MoJamaica is a solution that allows users to Register a Business Name, Register a Company, Reserve a name and make payment for the same via credit card for 2 or 30 days of the time limit. After successful payment process, the transaction receipt is generated which contains information like Transaction date, Transaction id, Prices etc. The user can download and save the transaction receipt.

Features Automated

    • The user had to fill two forms to Reserve a name.
    • Form 1 has a validation check to determine whether the name specified by the User was an “Important” name.

Note: Names of famous people are considered as “Important” name.

  • The application basically had two different flow, one for reserving a normal name and other for important names.
  • Form 1 (Important name) – If the user specifies important name then user have to add consent or supporting document to reserve the name.
  • Form 2- User has to fill their personal details, this page offers the user to either fill the details manually or auto-populate them from user’s profile. We handled both the cases and made it completely parameterized.
  • Once both the forms are complete user have to make payment to reserve the name for 2 or 30 days.
  • The user can make the payment via Credit Card, where a user has to specify card details. After verifying the card details, application redirects to the payment gateway and payment was made.
  • After successful payment process, the Transaction receipt is generated with information like Transaction id, Price etc. The user can download and save the Transaction Receipt.

Technologies Used

Automation Tool Eclipse IDE Kepler, Selenium v3.0
Testing Framework TestNG, Data Driven


Business Specific