Cobalt Case Study

Problem Statement

Cobalt is a Healthcare domain application created using MVC.NET. Cobalt offers highly customized portals as Rollouts for customers. Each Rollout consists of an Admin and a Patient portal. The patient portal provides various therapy programs that help people to overcome anxiety, phobias, panic, depressed mood, insomnia, intake of drugs and alcohol, obsession and compulsion. The client needed the testing of all Rollouts for both Patient and Admin portals.

The client needed testing of Admin and Patient portal ensuring full coverage of functionalities, usability, business flow, reports, and responsiveness. Client requirement was to ensure all applications working properly in various environments like Chrome, Firefox & IE browsers on Win 7, Win 10 desktops, Safari browser in Mac Mini and iOS devices ranging from iPhone 5C, iPhone 6+, iPad mini and iPad 2. A large number of test cases needed to be covered in all these environments ensuring no slip issues.